01 April 2007

Looking for something old

Sunday afternoon at Balboa park, 1 April 2007

E' incredibile come, tra le cose che piu' mi mancano dell'Italia, ci siano le strette vie medievali. Qui ogni cosa non e' piu' vecchia di poche decine di anni. La maggior parte delle case hanno le pareti di cartone e tutto e' largo, disperso. Difficile spostarsi senza auto.
Certo.. in centro le case fatte con i mattoni si trovano e i grattacieli sono veramente spettacolari. Tuttavia la differenza con l'Europa si sente.

Oggi, dopo aver (forse) trovato casa, mi sono messo a cercare cio' di piu' vecchio ci possa essere a San Diego. Ho trovato questo parco dedicato a Rocky: the Balboa Park. Stando a wikipedia, e' stato fondato nel1835. Beh, bello e' bello, soprattutto per la vegetazione. Tuttavia la maggior parte degli edifici sono fatti in stile ottocentesco..ma con dentro il cinema 3D. Insomma dei falsi. Avete presente il castello di cenerentola a disneyland? Tutto molto simile.

Ecco adesso mi sento come quegli studenti pugliesi (scusami Alberto et al.) che vengono a Pisa e rimpiangono il pane e le mozzarelline fiordilatte del loro paese. Quindi mi fermo.

Insomma, la casa forse l'ho trovata. Non vi voglio anticipare niente, finche' non ho le chiave. Se il mio datore di lavoro (UCSD) da abbastanza garanzie, dovrei trasferirmi martedi'. Notizie a breve.
Un abbraccio a tutti.


It's amazing as, among the things I miss more from Italy, there are the narrow middle-age streets. Here everything is not older than few tens of years. Most of the houses have cardboard walls and everything is huge, spread. It's hard to move without a car. Well..in the downtown there are buildings made of bricks and the high-rises are wonderful. Anyway..it's different from Europe.

Today, after I found (perhaps) a place where to live, I started looking for the oldest thing made by a man in San Diego. What I found is the park devoted to Rocky: the Balboa Park. According to wikipedia, it was founded in 1835. Ok..it is really nice, in particular for the wonderful vegetation. Nevertheless most of the buildings are 19th century style...but they have a 3D theater inside and stuff like that. They are fake. Have you ever seen the Cinderella's castle at Disneyland? The same building firm.

And know I feel like some students from Puglia (excuse me, Alberto et al.) who come to Pisa and complain about bread and mozzarella of Tuscany. So,I have to stop.

However, perhaps I found an apartment for me. I don't want to anticipate anything until I get the keys. If my employer (UCSD) is enough reliable for the renter, I'm supposed to move into the place next Tuesday. Additional news very soon.

A big hug to all of you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

senti ma falla finita di tradurre in inglese con babelfish ... !
(the remarkable)

you feel but it makes it ended translate in English with babelfish...! (the remarkable)

ritenete ma lo fa concluso per tradurre in inglese con babelfish...! (il notevole)

you think but concluded ago in order translate in English with babelfish...! (the remarkable one)

... continua/to be continued